I am an Assistant Professor in Media Signal Processing in the School of Engineering at the University of Dublin, Trinity College , Ireland. I am part of the Sigmedia group in the department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering and a funded investigator of the Science Foundation Ireland ADAPT Research Centre.
My research work covers a wide range of computer vision and media signal processing applications related to video and movie post-production. Some of his contributions in example-based Colour Transfer and video Deflicker have become references in their field and are being used by companies such as Google, the Foundry and Weta Digital.
I received my PhD in image and video processing from Trinity College Dublin in 2007 and a MEng from Telecom Bretagne/Eurécom in 2002.
You can follow me on:Contact
email: [email protected]
phone: (+353) 1896 2254
address: Room 01-004, Stack B, Trinity College Dublin (see Google Maps)
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Blog Entries
- Alternative Matting Laplacian (Theory) - June 7, 2016
- Alternative Matting Laplacian - June 3, 2016
- From Within From without - May 27, 2016
- FFMPEG commands for uploading 360 videos with spatial audio to YouTube - May 5, 2016
- Trinity 360 - April 19, 2016
- ADAPT SFI Centre - RTÉ news - January 13, 2016
- Fun with stereo3D feedback - December 10, 2015
- Colour Transfer code on GitHub - October 8, 2015
- iDuet - Steve Woods - September 13, 2014